7 Ways to Build Faith Easily and Have Fun Doing It

 In this special article, I'll share some ideas and ways to easily build and maintain Faith and have fun doing it. In short, there are many ways to maintain and strengthen faith in life. It depends on the character and personality of a person how methods can suit him. If you're a fun junkie of sorts as you read this article now, methods that involve fun are just right for you. Let me share some of the methods I often use to build faith easily. Like this.


1. Prayer

There is nothing religious in this. There is science behind this. When we pray for something, we let go of worries and put Faith in God. Our mind will be cleared of doubt and our faith will be strengthened. (Additional fact: Praying together with your spouse can reduce your chances of divorce.)


2. Watch inspirational films

There are tons of movies Christian movies  that can inspire you and show you what it means to build confidence and faith from the ground up. One of my favorite films is The Pursuit of Happyness. This is a great movie that can give you confidence. Get the DVD now and don't forget your popcorn.


3. Track your progress

There is a big secret behind this. Every time you notice that you are achieving something that you desire, even if it is a small thing, you subconsciously strengthen faith. The moment you choose to watch your small successes, you open your mind to attract the big things in life. Start monitoring right now. (It doesn't matter if it's a small success, the main thing is that you can see it)


4. Start a success journal

Like the previous method, it's fairly organized because you're writing down your progress. There is a way to make it efficient. Write down your specific goal and analyze all the little steps you have taken that can bring you closer to your goal. It will easily strengthen your faith if you do it daily. Try it. Start making note of the small steps you've taken.


5. Use affirmations

This is where you'll need your creative hat to create your own affirmations without anyone's help. Yes, I'm serious, because when you create yourself, You create your own reality, and do not live in other people's dreams. Reaffirm to yourself daily that your faith in yourself and in your goals is getting stronger and stronger.


6. Play games with kids

No, no, I'm serious. Play any games with your kids and win them easily. There is a reason for this. When you play with them, you will have the feeling that you will easily win the game. This feeling is called FAITH. Enjoy the feeling of it. See how your body reacts when you experience this feeling. Have fun winning them easily. (By the way, from my experience, it's sometimes quite hard to beat the kids these days.... All the best)


7. Your own method comes here

If you have any other methods like watching Christian Inspirational Movies that you think can easily build and maintain faith, please share them in the comments section. Thank you very much for sharing.


I wish you happiness and success


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